Tweeter Dee and Tweeter Dum

Just like the old lyric goes, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, I find myself a bit confused as to who is who?  The 1871 nursery rhyme by Lewis Carroll goes like this;

Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Agreed to have a battle
For Tweedledum said Tweedledee
Had spoiled his nice new rattle.
Just then flew down a monstrous crow,
As black as a tar-barrel;
Which frightened both the heroes so,
They quite forgot their quarrel.

In my world of 2017, unlike the 1871 nursery rhyme, I have now evolved this rhyme into my own words. Words that stand out portraying my 5th grade students school, Sabal Palm Elementary, and the unwise pep rally recently held. Though my rhyme is more than likely completely opposite of the real one, I found myself wanting to be creative and write it how I see fit.

To give you a little background before you read it, I want to tell you a little something that happened last week at my son's school.  We have a new Principal at Sabal Palm Elementary and apparently she must be some sort of Twitter nut and needs to be in competition with other 5 to 11 year olds and their teachers at the nearby Corkscrew Elementary.  So I took a peek at both schools Twitter sites. Sabal Palm Hawks with a following of 390 versus Corkscrew Elementary with a following of 1046.  Yes, I am a follower of my son's school, Sabal Palm Hawks, but I am also an adult too. On Twitter you have to be 13 an over to sign up.

So last week, the new Principal assembled the whole school to the lunchroom taking an hour of our children's education just to learn how to sign up for Twitter! Omg! Once I found this out, not only did my jaw drop, but my response when my son told me was, "What? You have got to be kidding me?" "They have no right to do this!" 👿

And they don't.  I feel it's against school policy and I have every intention to make sure something like this does not happen again.

They even had a group of 5th grade students get up on the stage to do a little Twitter dance to get the kids motivated and dancing. Trying to get them all wound up to sign up for Twitter.  On top of that, the teachers were given a form to send home to each student showing step by step instructions on how to create a Twitter account.  Attached to that form was 11 spaces on who you found to sign up.  In turn you have to bring it back to the teacher once completed.  Oh, and most importantly to make sure you click on the SPEHAWKSNAPLES Twitter feed!   Good Lord, what are we doing here?  This is absolutely absurd!

What I want to know is who is behind all of this?  Is this a new competition throughout our school system or is this an isolated incident than needs to be rectified and certainly not made habit of.  These are young kids for crying out loud and we send our kids to school for education, not promoting social media.  That's up to us parents to teach, let alone "allow" them these types of future opportunities. Next thing ya know, it's a pep rally for Facebook.  Seriously, I am "dum-founded" by such nonsense and I guarantee the teachers that had to participate feel the same way.

So this is how my rhyme goes;

Tweeter Dee and Tweeter Dum
Agreed to learn to Tweet.
For Tweeter Dee said to Tweeter Dum,
Lets make our schools compete.
Just then flew down a monstrous rally,
Plain and stupid as one sees clearly;
Which ridiculed both the heroes badly,
They quite forgot it wasn't so cheery.

So who is Tweedle Dee and who is Tweedle Dum?



  1. Thank you so much for posting this Annette and contacting the school board with your concerns!

    Justin was not happy to be taken out of his favorite class for this unfortunate campaign. He didn't even really know what Twitter was, and I would have liked to keep it that way. With all the recent cyber bullying instances in the news, I'm surprised the school chose to actually take young, impressionable kids out of class just to advertise Twitter.

    If you want to give parents an option to sign up, that's fine. But don't use my kid as a tool to gain followers, and bribe him with loud music and a slap bracelet.

    If the school just wants Twitter followers to let parents know about a "cool butterfly event" as the substitute principal, Ms Rogers, told me, then why did she make it into a competition, telling the kids that Corkscrew had over 1k followers and that they had to get three people to sign up to earn the bracelet?

    Send a simple note home to let parents know about the Twitter option. Also, don't penalize the parents who don't have or want Twitter, and update your school website with an activities page so everyone has a way to hear about all the cool events happening at school.

    Mostly, the school shouldn't push its agenda in such an aggressive way to such a young population. Let the parents decide when they will allow their kids to take part in our inundated world of social media.

    1. Thank you Sofia for the great reply. Hopefully the School Board will recognize the situation and make sure is never happens again.


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