So this is Christmas

 "And what have you done?"

I say that to myself everyday.  Especially when you have four adorable faces looking at you each and every day.  I find myself blessed more and more having four boys. And they are great kids, thankfully. So right there goes to show you, I have done alot, as have they. We are probably the luckiest family on Earth!

I write today because this time of year it's amazing to see the spirit that comes out of them when Thanksgiving is over and Christmas season has begun. But nothing like getting half the Christmas decorations up prior to Thanksgiving. Lol!  Hey, there is alot I want to put out and between the knickknacks in the house and the lights outside, it takes a couple of weeks. As of today, we are pretty much done.Yay!

Throughout this week, my boys have been putting their Christmas lists together.  I have asked them for weeks now and finally they are working hard at it. They getting a bit frustrated in the meantime too. Reason being, I am they type to throw out an amount as to what I can spend on each.  Which is $100. They have to remember, they also have their Dad that will be giving them gifts as well.  Yeah, I also blew off Black Friday. Moving that into Thanksgiving now just ruins it for everyone.  I no longer make anymore efforts to run around like a crazy woman to find the best deals.  I wait for Cyber Monday.  That works much better for me all around.

Friends think I am silly how I go about giving gifts to my boys.  I think it's genius.  I give them the amount and kindly ask them to go mainly on and put what interests them into the cart.  They can go to other sites as well and do the same. Then from my secret accounts, I go buy them and have all delivered while they're at school. When they keep checking and see the carts not empty, they wonder?   Keeps the mystery fun. Lol!

Now I am getting so many dollar amounts daily. Showing me as to how much they have spent (Put into carts). I am talking about the two little ones mainly.  They know I am not rich and have to watch my dime, so it's like they are trying so hard to come in well below the $100 range. Matthew, my youngest, as of today, has come up with $57.27 cents and his list keeps changing by the minute.  Benjamin, the next one up is right around the $96 dollar range.  It's too cute!  And of course the two oldest, Daniel and Nickolas, have yet to give me any clues about what they want.  But they both work now so I guess their time is limited.

Getting back to what have you done?  Overall, this past year alone I think I am doing pretty well keeping my head above water in this life of a single mom of four boys. Getting older they are. Now 19,16,13, and 11. People ask how I do it, and I simply tell them I have to take it one day at a time with alot of focus and organization. I also keep active in the community as I always have and many appreciate the efforts I do to give back.  I've been doing it for years now and plan to continue doing it for many more. Yes, more than likely staying single too. It's okay, I am beginning to understand why I stay single.  And the mere fact is, I'm too busy!  :)

I know this was short and sweet but I wanted to wish you all a great holiday season and hopefully I will get more time to write. I seem to get into these lulls and it bugs the hell out of me.  I have so much to write about but never enough time to write.

Merry Christmas!


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