Project Propaganda

Holy Smokes!  Has the campaign for our local candidates started or what?  Signs are out, meetings held, and flyers piling up in my mailbox.  Along with that, quite a few giggles too!

I have been very quiet in the recent election because I am simply overwhelmed with my kids!  BUT, I certainly don't miss a beat when it comes to attending meetings and staying on top of the never ending games people play when it comes time to WIN an election.  And what they will do to win. 

We have mainly 5 most important seats, okay 6 if you want to add the Presidential election. Well, come to think of it, really 8. Lol!  (Forget the Presidential. Hillary is going to win anyway). I want to bring in the Mosquito Control guys too.  Mosquitoes are a big deal lately and we need the right one for those seats. So 7 it is. (Confused yet?) :)

The seats are for District 5 County Commissioner , Seats 1,2,3, and 4 for the North Collier Fire Commission, and seats 4 and 5 for Mosquito Control.

So who do I want to win?  Well, let's just get to the point here.

County Commission District 5-  Tamara Paquette
North Collier Seat 1-(Big Corkscrew Area)- Chris Crossan
North Collier Seat 2-Ramon Chao
North Collier Seat 3-(North Naples Area)-Norman Feder
North Collier Seat 4-Chris Lombardo
Mosquito Control Seat 4-David Farmer
Mosquito Control Seat 5 -David Chapman

The Commission seat is a hot one I must say.  But if you look back at the primary, you wonder how Bill McDaniel has even gotten as far as he has gone?  Only thing I can think is the good ole boy system and the $57,000 donations to buy the seat.  And Bill, if you are reading this, then good, I hope you are.  Even if you get the seat, which may happen, my feelings will always be open and honest.  I don't have to side with anyone. Especially one who owns a large mine in this district that could reap many benefits someday if the right Commissioner is placed. (Cough, cough).  Also the fact he doesn't even live here. I say these things because not only McDaniel, but Stephanie Lucarelli who won the School Board seat are absolutely terrible with money!  And you expect me to trust people that either owe $100,000 in back taxes (McDaniel) or $1.3 million lawsuit (Lucarelli) because she hasn't paid her mortgage since 2012?  What is wrong with you people that elect these folks?

Okay, glad I got that off my chest.  Now let's get to Tamara Paquette and why I feel she is the best candidate for the seat.  And no, not just because I am a Democrat as is she, but the fact she is downright honest and caring about the community.  She is very much like me.  We like to get out there and get things done. Along the way, we give back the best we can to the community in any way possible.  Tamara is down to Earth, and yes, learning a whole lot out here in the Estates since she had begun her campaign, but that's the best part.  She is fresh and willing to understand, listen, and learn about the issues here in District 5. Whether it's infrastructure, the whole growth factor that's going to explode, fracking, Immokalee as a whole, Everglades City as a whole, or just plain how we all actually feel as a community.  Keeping it together with a strong mind, tons of energy, and great strategies.  Especially knowing what we deal with on a every day basis with many leaders of this county. Don't feel like pointing fingers at the moment.  That's another blog.  :)

The flyers found in my mailbox are another story.  The giggles especially came when McDaniel took pictures all over town next to certain places.  Like the Vineyards.  Really Bill?  I didn't know the Vineyards was in District 5?  And the one next to the Palmetto Ridge High sign.  Lol!  Now that one is funny!  I am on the SAC board there for numerous years, my kids have attended there for over 7 now, and I never saw you once! And cut taxes. My ass!  If anything, he'll be raising them. Can't fool me! On top of that, undo all the work we have accomplished to get our park to where it is today.  You know I have been working on that damn thing for practically 10 years now?  Good grief! 

Oh, and since we on the subject of flyers.  Anyone notice the one from Richard Hoffman?  Richard is running for the Big Corkscrew Seat 1 against Chris Crossan.(North Collier Fire and Rescue District). Richard's flyer shows him next to a picture of Gulf Coast Sharks which is actually Greater Naples Fire and Rescue District, NOT North Collier Fire. Last I heard Richard, your district high school is Palmetto Ridge High. Now that's a hoot!  By the way, nice wedding photo.  I didn't know those work to get a seat.  :)

Moving on to the North Collier Fire seats.  These are no brainer choices and the fact these four all work together very well.  All backed by their very own firefighters.  I have had the pleasure of working and meeting all of these guys.  They are true to not only the taxpayers and how all money should be spent, but they are true to the firefighters as well.  Like I always say, honesty is best policy.  And I have nothing bad to say on any of them.  They all have it together and they are the best choices by far!

Now the ZIKA!  Can't have that here now can we?  My two choices are two men that can talk about every type of mosquito and every type of pesticides used.  When I met with Chapman, he was into the biology so much my head was spinning.  He is really into the knowledge and the safety of our community. He also helps out on my Estates Community Facebook page when people ask about the pesticides and the spraying.  Join us if you like!

The Estates Community on Facebook

And to David Farmer.  He has been doing a great job all these years and deserves a couple more.  When I had that plane fly over my head during football a few months back, I was furious at the fact they flew over spraying pesticides all over the hundreds of kids and parents on the field.  Thankfully David handled it swiftly and had the pilot call me to explain as to why.  Well, the why turned into no more early spraying over our heads and have since resumed spraying around 10 pm now.  Enough time for me to let the pets out and have them in for bed.

So there ya have it.  My Thoughts Exactly!  And I wasn't even harsh, now was I?  Getting soft in my late 40's, huh?  

Best of luck candidates!



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