
Showing posts from 2018

'Tis My Season

(THE FONT IS TOO SMALL...GOOGLE TRYING TO FIX IT...IT'S ON THEIR END, NOT MINE) Yep, that's right folks, 'tis my season of work. The time has come to prepare for the busiest season I will more than likely ever have. Most people have no idea what I do, so I shall tell you. Up until this past July, I have been pretty much an independent contractor and work for many companies. I recently added NTT, Naples Transportation and Tours to my list.  Actually, it's the first time I have been on someones payroll for many years. They handle many things such as staffing and transportation for groups that come down from all over the US. Working with groups such at ATT, Merrill Lynch, New York Life, etc. They contract the handling of group arrivals and departures from airports, dine a rounds, trolley tours, excursions, and yep, I drive for them too!  I also continue to hold my real-estate license, catering(service side)for private homes/yachts, and still do that n...

Gratify Me

Do you ever feel like everyday most children need instant gratification? They want it and they want it now. I can't stand it. It's like they think we as a society owe them something.  What that is, I am still trying to figure out. Then again, it's nothing to figure out. We don't owe them anything! When I hear, "I want this, I want that."  I cringe. Not necessarily from my kids, (Ya know, those perfect, but from just walking around places hearing those little brats demanding what he or she wants, and knowing more than likely they will get it. Pffft!...If my kids acted like that, I would whip their butts!  But now that they are older, they know.  I just have to give that "look" 😒 and they won't ask again.  Yes, if they need new shoes, or haircut, of course I take care of that.  But don't ask me for money to buy a new "skin" on the Fortnite game because it just came out today and they must have it now...

Red Tide of Death

If anything hits the heart, it's the red tide that is effecting our area and most of the western side of the Gulf of Mexico. It is the most heartbreaking thing to see here in Naples, Florida. So what it Red Tide? In simple layman terms, it's basically the releasing of Lake Okeechobee water into our rivers and canals that flow out to the Gulf of Mexico. With that is all the algae in large concentrations pushed out causing red tide and suffocation of all sea life. Though it's more complicated than that. Much more. I say this because my brother's brought it to my attention about US Sugar and of course our government that allows it to happen.  As one brother quotes, " 100% Man Made Ecological Disaster. US Sugar is so deep in the pockets of Tallahassee, (including absolutely worthless outgoing Gov Rick Scott) it's disgusting. They are killing Florida while earning BILLIONS in revenues!"  The other, " Don't forget Bill Nelson, he is bough...

Vote NO on Collier's Sales Tax Increase!

I don't know about you, but living in this county is getting more and more grim each day.  The fact that we have voted in Commissioners and hired government staff that continuously go against the will of the people just blows my mind.  And many are my friends!  Over the many years, over a decade now, I have been much involved with future parks, roads, and developments in support of the people. But now it all seems to have been a complete waste of my time. I am a positive upbeat person that absolutely loves living here, but every time I try to help move things along, voice my opinion, support projects, I am simply shunned and ignored. Sure, I still get phone calls by news stations as to what my thoughts are, but so what. Our government will continue to push in the direction they see fit.  And personally, I don't get it.  They do work for us you know! So now most of you will finally realize why I am not in those meetings anymore and have since res...


The new world in which I live in.  I have a son going through what they call Senioritis.  Can't say I have ever heard of it, but according the the Urban Dictionary, it truly does exist.  Senioritis college noun. A crippling disease that strikes high school seniors. Symptoms include: laziness, an over-excessive wearing of track pants , old athletic shirts, sweatpants, athletic shorts, and sweatshirts. Also features a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a generally dismissive attitude . The only known cure is a phenomenon known as Graduation. This is the time of year when our kids have grown up with classmates and school surroundings for 13 years, now knowing it will come to an end the day of graduation.  My son has been dealing with it for a couple of months now.  He is the one who enlightened me about this problem in which many students are going through. It's affecting him in and out of our home. Over the years, since the days my ...


Happy New Year everyone! Benjamin, Nickolas, Me, Matthew, and Daniel   So far so good on my end as to how it's going.  Can't say I have my Christmas tree down yet, but I'll get there. I remember the years I wrote consecutively each week. Now I am lucky to write once a month, if that.  Though I have many ideas and great blogs I talk to myself about in the van while driving, but what good is that! Maybe I should just start recording audio blogs.  Lol!  I hope to write more, just been busy, so I'll say this from here on out; I am just going to have to write when I can, that's all there is to it. 😊 Every year around this time I write about the past year and changes that reflect it with past blogs and many pictures. One thing I know that hasn't changed a damn bit, is I am still single!  I need to write about the dating scene and the flakes that go with it.  :) Last year was pretty darn smooth. No complaints.  Health seems good other than...