
Showing posts from August, 2021

It's Really That Simple

    Have you watched the Social Dilemma yet? I watched it a month or so ago and found it astounding. It may help some understand why life needs to be much more simple without the manipulation of others. And if you haven't noticed, I myself, other than a page I run on Facebook, have since backed down from social media greatly. Watch this documentary and you will understand why. The manipulation of life in our society has become far too great, and it's become a burden to me now.  Thankfully, I am working on finding my inner peace and focusing on keeping it. So here we are, 2021. Do you feel like the world is messed up?  Do you feel alone, oddly different, and maybe just a touch more angry on the reactions or no reactions of our society? Well, I certainly have. We all have. I have been wanting to write this or anything for that matter for the longest time, but I have been stuck.  So stuck that I don't even care anymore. Maybe that's where my inner peace is taking o...