Dear Mommy
'Do you believe me?' ' Do you still love me?' Those are the words of a young girl by the name of Brooke Skylar Richardson. She was accused of killing her newborn baby and burying her in the backyard of her home in 2017. All the while, no one had any idea she was close to full term on her pregnancy. Her trial just started last week. Can you imagine what she had been thinking in the back of her mind for all those months prior? Knowing, yet keeping it a secret? I find this all very very sad. The reason I call this blog, "Dear Mommy", because I not only want her Dear Mommy to read this, but to all Mother's worldwide to please talk to your kids. Understand who they really are. Don't make them be who "you" want them to be, appear as how "you" want them to appear, or to only think on "your" terms. No wonder kids these days are messed up! And I as a mother of 4 boys see this all very clearly when I talk to m...