First and foremost I want to wish all the fathers a Happy Father's Day! I recently took a trip to Wyoming. I went because there was good reasoning behind it. I needed to find a place where I could actually breathe. I don't feel well anymore. So I looked up the cleanest and best state for air quality, and it was Wyoming! So off I went, and wow, what a difference it made. Coming back here was daunting. When I did, I feel breathless once again. 😞 And so many asked why I was going there via Facebook. This is what I wrote back in a post. And I tell you, being alone may not be all that great, but doing something for yourself may be that much greater. I wrote; So many of you ask why I'm here? This is why... "In the midst of the complexities of modern life, with all its pressures, the spirit of man/woman needs to refresh itself by communion with unspoiled nature. In such surroundings- occasional as our visits may be- we can achieve that kind of p...