Project Propaganda
Holy Smokes! Has the campaign for our local candidates started or what? Signs are out, meetings held, and flyers piling up in my mailbox. Along with that, quite a few giggles too! I have been very quiet in the recent election because I am simply overwhelmed with my kids! BUT, I certainly don't miss a beat when it comes to attending meetings and staying on top of the never ending games people play when it comes time to WIN an election. And what they will do to win. We have mainly 5 most important seats, okay 6 if you want to add the Presidential election. Well, come to think of it, really 8. Lol! (Forget the Presidential. Hillary is going to win anyway). I want to bring in the Mosquito Control guys too. Mosquitoes are a big deal lately and we need the right one for those seats. So 7 it is. (Confused yet?) :) The seats are for District 5 County Commissioner , Seats 1,2,3, and 4 for the North Collier Fire Commission, and...