Peaches the 'Possum
I could not help myself but to tell you a little story that happened to me a few nights back. Or I should say very early in the morning. So I have the feral/domestic cat we call Patches, that comes and goes often. He sleeps in most nights but usually wants out anytime between 2-6 am. I just get up, open the slider by the pool, and off he goes. But this time, he was hesitant. As was I. It was dark, 4:30 in the morning and I peered out to see something small a couple feet from the pool. I turned the light on and took a peek, and it was the tiniest baby opossum I have seen in awhile. She was all curled up tight, wet, and it was very cold out. There was no way she fell in and got out of the pool, I think Mama 'Possum got her out but had to leave her behind. So, Annette to the rescue! I went back into the house and got a towel to wrap her in so I could get her dried off and warm. Honestly, I still didn't know if she was even alive. She was like fro...