Coronavirus Conundrum
You have to admit, it is a beautiful virus all colored up like that. Though we all know they add color to all those images.😏 So this Covid-19 started just a few months ago in the city of Wuhan, China. Some say the source of the coronavirus was from the Huanan Seafood Market that also sold dead and live animals. From monkeys to deer, to wolves. All kinds of wild creatures. And if you look back to the Sars and Ebola, those too were associated to open markets such as that. I also read bats as the true culprit because they drop there feces just about anywhere, and could easily spread it that way too. Just one of many theories we hear about. A friends theory mentioned a Wuhan laboratory. Apparently this lab can hold the world's most dangerous pathogens at maximum bio-containment levels. And one being this Covid-19. Maybe this lab was using animals to test on, in turn when the results showed negative to the virus, they were sold on the open market for their meat...