Teenage Wasteland

Interesting title, I agree. But it's also what's happening to the area in which I live and I find it very disturbing. I writing about this today because we as parents, or any parent for that matter, need to wake up! Me included. Quit enabling your children! It has become to the point many have become helpless in this world of work and society, and since have turned to nothing but parties and drugs, making their future ability to function in this world completely obsolete. They think it's just easier to smoke a little or take a few pills to make that dysfunctional feeling go away. It's so sad really. It seems to becoming an epidemic. Not just where I live, but all over the US. I am seeing it with my own eyes and I don't know quite know how to handle it. Yes, I may have my boys tightly gripped and overseen the best that I can do, but I also can't be everywhere either. They are the ones who have to make the right choices and stand on their own two feet. ...